Fun Things to Do: Dino Drama
Hello, Eli here again. Do you like dinosaurs? Me and my brother Ethan do. We are huge Jurassic World fans and that’s why we are selling dinosaur toys on our website. We also made a show called Dino Trackers. Click this link to see all the dino toys. Here are some fun storylines about what to do with your toys:
Bobby’s Adventure #1
What you need: Bobby action figure , and T-Rex.
Bobby is a person who helps hurt dinosaurs and returns them to their natural habitat. But one day as Bobby is caring for a dinosaur, he sees a T-rex! Bobby puts the T-rex to sleep by tranquilizing him and befriends him, naming him Joey.
Bobby’s Adventure #2
What you need: everything from story #1, and Hybrid Dino (link above.)
Bobby and Joey were walking one day when they saw a dino Hybrid! Bobby and Joey, the T-rex fought the Hybrid until Bobby tranquilized it. They realized it was hurt so they rescued it and released it into the wild
The End!
Thanks for reading this week’s weekly blog post. Come back next week and read the next one! By the way, this week’s discount is listed below. Watch out for our new dino toys soon! Bye!