Fun Things to Do: Drone Days
Hello, Eli here. Welcome to Ebro’s first weekly blog. Here you can reference what to do with your Ebros toys. Are your kids ever saying they are bored? Looking for something fun to do on a rainy day? We have the solution for you! Get a drone today from our website Ebros.com. Click this link to get an Ebros drone and do some of the following creative Ideas with it.
#1 Ebros Drone race:
You will need: 1 or 2 Ebros drones, a wide-open space, Obstacles (such as paper plates, cups, sticks, etc.), and 2 or more people.
- Set up the obstacles around the wide-open space.
- Have the players race the drones around the obstacles to the finish line. First drone to get to the finish line wins!
#2 drone hide and seek:
You will need: 2 or more people, 2 or more drones, and a place with lots of trees.
- One person counts to 40 while the other players fly their drones into hiding.
- When the person is done counting, he will look for the drones.
- The first one to be found is counting next round and the last person to be found is the winner!
Thank you for reading this week’s weekly blog. Plus check out the weekly promo code below that is valid for a week and gives you 10% off! come back next week for the next one!
Weekly Promo Code: Dronedays10